<IMG SRC=http://thumbs.media.smithsonianmag.com//filer/dd/ff/ddff3dcb-2b1a-416c-a578-e629792be5db/sep2015_d14_kermodebears.jpg__600x0_q85_upscale.jpg> The Spirit Bear shook his massive shaggy head free of bees and licked the last shimmering drops off his perfectly filed claws. He had wandered out further than usual and it was getting late. The Spirit Bear climbed over the log, relishing the warm sand on the pads of his feet. Parting his long, shiny canines almost to a grin in a large yawn, he started the slow meandering back toward his den. He was beginning to think about how he needed to fatten up for the trip back to the large, hooked mountain for his winter slumber. To his annoyance, one of those bipedal hairless things let out some sort of high pitched noise and startled him from his contemplative strides. His attention is drawn to the biped, she (his nose told him this much) smells of soft warm, grey hues like a fawn; there is something else, something immutable about this one, and there is something wrong with her leg. [[The Spirit Bear decides "she" is probably like all of the other squishy bipeds that extend their ineffective claws towards him with a "Hey! Bear" and then proceed to do the most unpredictable things. She'll probably run off... That shiny thing at the edge of the water looks interesting though..|Poke Jellyfish]] [[Out of curiosity and a strange desire to help, the Spirit Bear approaches the biped, "Hold still, I'd like to take a look at your leg."|Standing Woman, Reaching Bear]] [[The biped stood still with her mouth open. The Spirit Bear has always thought their type was a little simple, but he took the biped's silence as consent. He reached forward with his paw to lift her leg for a better look....|Standing Woman, Reaching Bear]] His curiosity was too much! The "Heybear" approached the water to watch the glistening unpopping bubble form of the Jelly Fish that has now washed up upon the shore. "Why not?" He asks himself as he reaches out and [[pokes the Jelly Fish |Hey Bear to Haber]] "That's interesting... hmmm...." He decides to take it a little further and [[lick the Jelly Fish up into his mouth. |The World is fine]] Heather Lelache had been more absent-minded than usual on this visit to Shell Shore and she had waded into the water with her backpack (at least none of those creepy pale women were around). Her thoughts were interrupted by an annoying, spineless jellyfish brushing her leg. Now she might have to cut her trip short- What was that noise? Heather looked up and saw a hulking sandy colored mass coming toward her. She had a fraction of a second, when she felt her mouth drop open, to contemplate whether that jellyfish sting had some unusual peyote like effect on her, but the rumbling thunder of the bear's voice squashed those thoughts quickly. The bear [[reached out towards her....|Whoops Claws]] Some time has passed since Penny first let George Orr into Dr Haber's office. Multiple sessions training with Orr has removed all doubt in Haber's mind pertaining to Orr's ability to change reality with dreams. Orr has gotten a detective, Heather Lelache, to sit in on his sessions with Dr Haber. He hated how the closeness between the two had grown. No good could come of that. Haber had already hooked Orr to the EEG and his fingers steepled as he waited for the best moment to imprint a dream on Orr's mind. The softness in Heather's gaze as she looked at Orr made him think. Why did people do that- form attachments that could only end in their misery? How could anything good come from depending on others? Heather was more occupied with her thoughts than usual and stood out of easy hearing. He had contemplated [[ridding Orr of this small hurdle|Haber kills Orr's girlfriend]] before.It would only take a few words, maybe Orr's subconscious wouldn't push back... Haber lost his opportunity by watching the delicate fluttering of Orr's eyelashes as Heather recovered from her detached state. She was now standing beside him. Sometimes he could barely stand the woman. [[A heaviness churned, scratching and biting, like an angry blind shrew just below the last of Haber's attached ribs. It then heaved upward, like a whale jumping from the ocean and was so unexpected, he briefly contemplated what he must have eaten.|Jealousy ]] A sizzling cacophony of life experiences traveled through the Spirit Bear's receding claws (they became more tedious and ineffective by the second)- the great horror of what was happening receding with them, "Heybear" was becoming Haber. Those bipeds seemed less obscure as the fur fell of in chunks and the tissues reformed. The life he knew was disappearing into a fog, like he had been sucked into some sort of hole...and he was standing in a building? Yeah, building, they've always been called that, what a silly thing to question... the memories of droning on through school, endless dreaming of a better life- thinking he had gotten there only to be surrounded by four drab droning walls, giving him endless drab droning thoughts of how he wished he could be home! No..that wasn't quite right anymore...what a strange thought, away fits better now, but what did he mean by that? It didn't really matter anyway, did it? He craved fresh air, Mount Hood would be nice. He had to suffice with that blasted drab picture on his "wall." Had the world always been this noisy? [[He approached Penny to inquire after his meeting with Mr. Orr.|sightings in Haber's office]] The strange sensation in Heybear's mouth spreads to a relentless burning through his skull. Seven billion people erupt in screaming and existence as everyone on earth knows it ends. Whoops! The Effective Dreamer that changes reality was just eaten. Maybe you should go [[back|The World is fine]] and reflect on the choices that were made... <IMG SRC=http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/wp-content/uploads/earth-on-fire.jpg align="center"> Or you can give up WAY too easily. Where is the [[Works Cited]] page? Heather slumped to the ground like a bundle of newly tumbled sheets. [[It was a strange day for the world. Everything wept...|Contempt]] There was a richness in her every movement and every resonating syllable that escaped her mouth like hardened chocolate silk, if you like that sort of thing, but nothing was really happening, WAS IT? Her warm glow was too bright for him. He wished she were far away. Why did all the gifts in this world go to people who didn't understand or appriciate them properly? Dr. Haber followed the line of Orr's relaxed jaw as he thought and half-mumbled to himself. If only he could get time alone with Orr and entice him to see what this gift really means. (Before he had met Orr, Haber's scope of annoyance was limited to Penny's passive aggressive post it notes and the general noise of everyone- especially when they were eating) The possible implications of Dr. Haber's spontaneous vocalization did not even have the chance to tickle the vaguest parts of his mind before the air started to crackle like popped plastic bubbles and Heather vanished mid-four-letter-Haber-directed-curse-word with a loud snap. [[Dr Haber was surprised by the lack of change in his opinion as the world re-formed around her.|gender bender]] "Chewy with nutty undertones! It would go nicely with some of that honey he found earlier." The was also kind of a stinging, numbing feeling starting in the bear's mouth. He decides to [[spit the Jelly Fish out.|Hey Bear to Haber]] and poke the Jellyfish instead... He decides to [[ignore the sensation and keep chewing|End of the World]]The tears of George Orr started flowing in his dream. He got lost in an abstract, profound sense of loss and decided he was done waking up- the dream allowed it. It started with the flooding: <img src= "http://pre10.deviantart.net/0963/th/pre/f/2013/005/9/6/the_end_of_the_world_by_zd_designs-d5qj2re.png" Height="800" Width="800" Border="0"> Then the sun went dark and the world sucked in on itself. In the very last moment of time, something odd that could be mistaken for a jellyfish living in the corpse of a beautiful woman sent a "not again" through the collective mind of it's companions before shimmering out of existence. Oh the Humanity! Please no more of this story. I can't take any more deaths!! Take me to the [[Works Cited]] page. <img src="http://img07.deviantart.net/d4fd/i/2012/317/1/c/tg_transformation_33_by_dinoradar-d5kx9qt.jpg" heigh="400" width="800" border="0"> It was how she felt when the years of media, friends, and internal criticisms flooded in with the physical changes of her body that surprised her the most. Long naturally curling golden white curls swooped down Dr Haber's back with a gentile swoosh. There was a moment like looking through one lens of reading glasses while the other was removed from the frame. Her mind was allowed some disappointment regarding her more robust curves when compared to the petite Heather- who also still, unfortunately, existed on some sort of half-developed nagging radar split between not wanting to be crazily obsessed with the need to possess George Orr or be an uncaring, independent "slut". At least she would get her moment with George. She walked over to George's frame lean and sinewy frame, noticing the slight pinch in the ball of her foot and the discomfort the candy apple heels caused about a quarter inch beneath the line of her toes where her foot was the widest. Her mother had always told her perfection can only be achieved through pain and Haber swallowed her pinching feelings without a second thought. [[Dr Haber tugged at the end of her red and black striped jacket and smoothed her skirt carefully hoping George wouldn't notice the frustrating pounds that crept slowly up her hips towards her middle in the years working in her now comfortable office.|Haber runs from heart break]] [(goto:"The Alien is the real active dreamer")]<html> <iframe width="620" height="315" align="center" src="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxXElNVLpLk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </html> A soft blanketing light engulfed Haber and a tall form stood in a space suit in front of her. The dark shading of the alien's helmet lightened on a command. The Aliens that looked like turtles were, in fact, an advanced race distantly related to the sea turtles once inhabited earth. Most of them had left when they developed the ability to dream effectively to create an environment of mindfulness. They did not want to destroy their planet with their dreams or lead a newly found jellyfish-like effective dreaming adversary to their home. Reality was the collective dreams of all the inhabitants left behind and a few hearty humans. <img src= "http://pre01.deviantart.net/1d08/th/pre/i/2008/056/b/3/dave_the_space_turtle_by_invader_zero.png" Height="600" Width="500" border="0"> Not that the Earth was terribly irreplaceable, there is a misplaced warehouse somewhere in the universe that can provide a spare. The workers there are still chuckling about the joke they left under the surface of he planet's crust (a jumble of giant lizard pieces that do not fit together).... "Very good. Knowing when you have had enough can be rewarding. The more you try to rule existence, the more you lose it. Just relax and allow the currents to take you." A suddenly drowsy Haber stretched out on the floor of light. A bear sleeps at the base of mount hood. Long days without heartbreak, full of honey glistening with sun lie ahead of her. [[Works Cited]] <html> <iframe width="620" height="315" align="center" src="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9DxgPa1cGc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </html> Everything began to shift. The ground, the day, the entire universe of existence. Haber is standing in the room with her long time friend Hudeah in a large city. There is no remembrance of Earth or Orr left in Haber, but there is a strange ache she can not place. Despite having everything she ever wanted Haber resents her friend for tying her to the City. There is a strong discomfort with the attachment itself- like being bound by cold iron. Some distant, long forgotton idea of sunlight and honey under the green canopy dwells in Haber's bones, but she can not recall it.... <img src= http://img01.deviantart.net/2aec/i/2011/010/2/0/the_whitest_shade_of_pale_by_aprillight-d310xok.jpg Height="700" Width="500" Border="0"> Hudeah smiled inwardly at the near seamlessness of the Collective's transition of her new pet to the City. As far as Haber is concerned, they have newly moved into their home and effective dreaming never existed- Hudeah hoped they picked the right one to study. They all wanted freedom, individuality, "the human experience"; there's a small, subconscious voice that questions the solidarity of the existence of the Earthly concepts described. The Collective actively ignores these thoughts. It's a pity the planet destroyed itself. That was one of the things they could never make sense of. <img src= "http://stuffpoint.com/apocalyptic-and-post-apocalyptic-fiction/image/243374-apocalyptic-and-post-apocalyptic-fiction-earth-on-fire.jpg" Height="600" Width="800" Border="0"> Go to what would happen if Haber did [[nothing|only "happy ending"]] for once. <html> <iframe width="620" height="315" align="center" src="https://youtu.be/pXRviuL6vMY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </html> Are you sure you don't want to [[start over|Spirit Bear]]? [[Behind the Madness]]- extra information pertaining to this story proposal. Visual and Sound Citations: Dinoradar. "TG Transformation 33." Deviantart.net, Web photo. December, 15 2015 "Earth on Fire." Snuffpoint.com. Web photo. December, 15 2015. Groo, Melissa."This Rare, White Bear May Be the Key to Saving a Canadian Rainforest. Smithsonian Magazine Photos" September 2015. Web. December, 15 2015 Hoft, Jim. "Left-Wing Scientists: Man Is Violating Earth’s 'Planetary Boundaries' & 'Safe Operating Space'" theGatewayPundit.com, 2015. Web photo. December, 15 2015 Imogen Heap. “Neglected Space” Posted by Julia Matthews. Online video clip. YouTube, August 27, 2014, Web. December, 15 2015 Imogen Heap. “You Know Where to Find Me” Posted by Julia Matthews. Online video clip. YouTube, August 27, 2014, Web. December, 15 2015 Invader Zero. "Dave the Space Turtle." Deviantart.net, Web photo. December, 15 2015 Light, April "the Whitest Shade of Pale." Deviantart.net, Web photo. December, 15 2015 "MEME - EDDIE IZZARD - CAKE OR DEATH.JPG." Search24news.com. May 29, 2014, 10:38 AM. Web Photo. December, 15 2015. Twenty One Pilots. "Stressed Out" Posted by Fueled By Ramen Online video clip. YouTube, August 27, 2014, Web. December, 15 2015 ZD Designs. "The End of the World." Deviantart.net, Web photo. December, 15 2015 Plot & Style Based References: "Dark City" Dir. Alex Proyas. NewLife Home Entertainment 2008. Film. "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" Dir. Garth Jennings. 2005. Film. Huxley, Aldous. "Brave New World." New York, NY: Harper Collins,1932. Print. LeGuin, Ursula. "Lathe of Heaven" Scribner, New York, NY 1971. Print. Moyers, Bill “Interview with Ursula K. LeGuin about The Lathe of Heaven.” Posted by kliljedahl. Online video clip. YouTube, May 2, 2012, Web. December, 15 2015 Selinger, Bernard “Chapter 5: The Lathe of Heaven: The Artist as Dreamer, Le Guin and Identity in Contemporary Fiction." University of Michigan Research Press on behalf of Bernard George Selinger, 1988. Print. Zi, Lao. "DAO DE JING: Making This Life Significant, A Philosophical Translation." Roger T. Ames and David L. Hall, Translation and Commentary. Random House Publishing group New York, NY, 2003. Print Thank you for even considering entering the insanity of my imagination. This project was created as a response to professor Elizabeth Hoffmann's (George Mason University) final term project. The idea was to create a story based on reading that was done over the semester and I chose Ursula Le Guin's "The Lathe of Heaven." I also intentionally attempted to parallel Aldous Huxley's style of narration in "Brave New World." I entered this interactive story project with no clear direction in mind. I let the story unfold in the directions my intuition led. I started my research on the question "What insights into Dr Haber’s behavior can be understood by looking into Taoism especially regarding his opposition of George Orr’s wu-wei?" and became quickly fascinated with what Ursula had to say about the creation of the "The Lathe of Heaven" while being interviewed by Bill Moyers. I originally wanted to do much more with the story, but I ran out of time. The other elements of research I have used as inspiration are listed under plot & idea references on the [[Works Cited]] selection. Overall, this was an amazing experience and I hope you enjoyed reading through the different scenarios. Note: My apologies to anyone who fell into the many ways to die in my story. I couldn't help myself. I got a little crazy with it. So much power, I rule the universe!!!! MWhahahahahaha! <IMG SRC=http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-KylfN02mLU8/U4cONCLE8BI/AAAAAAAAAHc/x5tJRatfxTU/s288/Meme%252520-%252520Eddie%252520Izzard%252520-%252520Cake%252520or%252520Death.jpg> So far, Dr. Haber's outdoor trip was a bust. This was the first of four days without the rain and the ground slurped beneath her feet as she moved. A strange feeling of unease crept into her bones at the eerie sound of a rose in the trees not far from where she was walking. This was enough to pull her out of her mood for a moment and anything that would ease THAT is worth at least looking at. Her eye was caught by something colorful as she approached the source of the sound. A small gasp escaped her lips as she examined what caught her eye more closely and completely forgot the sound. A soft set of wings - blue and white rice paper laced with stardust in a marble pattern -beat futilely against the intricate trappings of a nearby spider. Haber could decide she had enough with meddling and [[move on. |only "happy ending"]] OR She could [[free the butterfly.|Butterfly Effect]] Everything in Dr Haber's being ached to the marrow to have George Orr look at her the way she looks at him. She got unnecessarily close when removing the electrodes from behind. Her long, pointed, perfectly manicured nails brushed his scalp and he jumped with a start and an exclamation. George moved to toward the door of Dr Haber's office, positioning himself so her desk was between them. He leaned slightly over this desk, two straight arms perpendicular to a razor flat line of a mouth. "This can't happen. I don't know what you said while I was sleeping, but this has crossed a line. You are going to notate I have served all of my hours and recommend I be released form your care." With that statement, George Orr turned and walked out of the devastated Dr. Haber's life to spend time with the other woman. That perfect woman that radiates all that Dr Haber is not. Thinking about it made her sick, like a child that is sick from too much candy. she moved her coldly shocked body to the chair being her desk and allowed her weight to drop down in it. She needed to get away. She can't stand being anywhere near the same city as Orr's happiness with Heather. Her broken heart pounded unequally, like she had been held underwater for too long and it was getting as water logged as the rest of her. [[The contemplation of drowning reminded her- Dr Haber pulled a fine whiskey out of her desk, unscrewed the top, and put the bottle directly to her mouth, taking one immensely satisfying swallow. Them, she picked up her phone to tell Penny she would be taking a leave of absence and began planning one of her overdue trips outdoors.|The Butterfly or the Spider?]] .... The Spirit Bear heard the the biped's voice get shriller as he touched her. "Clumsy!" he scolded himself. He suspected he was hurting her. Maybe he should [[stop|Hey Bear to Haber]]? Nah, that hurting thing must be a language barrier...then, suddenly she got him on the nose with a resounding "THWACK!" [["Well, if you're going to be that way I'm leaving!"|Haber kills Orr's girlfriend]]. She was bleeding heavily now anyway... The air was filled by a sudden popping static as the Sun Bear walked away and everything started to tilt funny.